Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fresh New Start

Daddy is very good about taking over so mammy can sleep and take a shower. Here I feel fresh ready to the start of a new start.  Ready to enjoy taking care of my baby.   
He eats every two hours. Daddy and I have worked out a schedule to take care of baby. 
It's a 24/7 job, but LOVE it. It is an amazing experience to be a mother.

Grandma Harty Visited Longer

After Thanksgiving Day, Grandma Harty stayed with us for a week.  She really enjoyed time with baby Ezra.

Ezra's First Thanksgiving

Mommy trimming baby's nails
Grandma Harty and auntie Linda with Ezra.  They have not seen him since the hospital when he was born. They think he has grown a lot since then.
Uncle Stew admiring baby Ezra.  He thinks he is gorgious:-)
Here is the whole family.  We went to a nearby park for a while
Our little family
Andrew having fun with the ducks
Uncle Stew and his family
Mommy and baby Ezra in the strauler
Back at home the table is ready for the Thanksgiving Feast
Beautiful Fall flowers and a pumpkin candle decorate the center of the table
Grandma Harty and baby Ezra
 Just before we ate
Auntie Linda burping him after feeding him
Cousin Erik holding Ezra
Cousin Andrew holding baby Ezra

Ezra's First Time at Church

Ezra's first time at church.  To our surprised, he slept the whole time. 
He finally woke up at the end of potluck and was hungry.
Ema had many questions about the baby
He finally open his eyes

Love to Watch Baby Sleep

We have not sleep much since baby was born, but I love to watch him sleep.
He is so beautiful when he sleeps
He sleep like a baby.  I should sleep when he is sleeping.  He wakes up about every two hours to eat, then he needs to be burp and change. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Freddie the Frog and Ezra Two Months

Freddie the Frog and Ezra at two months
Freddie watches Ezra as he sleeps

Sleeping, Waking up, Playing, Crying, Eating and Going Back to Sleep

Baby sleeps on his back like this when is cold
Baby sleeps on his back like this when is not so cold
Baby wakes up.  Mommy plays with him.  He is so much fun!
Baby starts crying.  Mommy recognizes it as the hungry cry.
Mommy feeds Ezra.  Baby is happy:-)  Baby falls a sleep again.

MSACA Fall Festival

We took Ezra to the MSACA Fall Festival when he was only five weeks old.  
Here he is ready to go.  He fell a sleep before we left the house.

Ezra with one of my First Grade students
Gordon pushing the straddler around the Fall Fest booths
Ezra and one of my Second Grade students
Parents wanting to take a look at Ezra
My Chistina came to see Ezra
Ezra and some of my First and Second Grade girls
Ezra slept through the whole things and it was noisy there.  There was loud music, the sound of people talking, kids running and yelling, there was an auction going all the time so there was loud speakers laud noise, people coming to see him and talking over him and he did not wake up until the end.
Some wanted to hold him and he slept through that too.
Us and Ezra sleeping in Gordon's arms
He manage to stay awake some after a feeding
Ezra's first Fall Picture
Ezra and I with Elena Gipson, he mother of one of my First Grade students and Ezra's Newborn  Shoot photgrapher
Two of my Spanish classes students, Ezra and I