Sunday, November 28, 2010

Introducing Gordon's Vegetable Garden to Ezra

It's cold outside so we bundle him up well
Ezra next to a birdhouse Kiki Shetler, one of my second grade students gave me.  What makes this birdhouse so special is that Kiki painted it herself.  It sits on our garden:-)
Gordon showing baby Ezra his vegetable garden
So much love!
Baby started to cry some. Wondering if baby is getting too cold
Baby did not like the sun on his eyes so we covered him as much as we could
Blocking the baby from the direct sun and the win
He is so precious:-)

Our Beautidul Baby!

Dinning Room Table

The pediatrician order to exposed  him to as much of outside indirect light as possible to improve his jaundice condition that was starting to show up. So, for a week he slept on the dinning room table during the day so that he could  get as much outside light as possible.
Sleeping like a baby:-) So cute!
We pretty much change his diaper, fed him and back to the dinning room table he went.
He slept there facing the light that would come from the sliding door to our back yard.
Our baby's jaundice that has started did not progress and completely went away.  
Our beautiful baby sleeping
Love those lips:-)
We love to watch him sleep.:-) Sleep sweet baby!

Daddy and Baby

Proud daddy!
Baby on daddy's arms
His boy!
His perfect
Love looking at every detail of his boy
He is so sweet and small.  He could look at him talking every breath for hours.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Late Nights Feedings

 This is just one of the late night feedings.
He wakes up to eat about every three hours.  Then it takes between half hour to 45 minutes to feed/burp him.
I have been putting him on my shoulder to burp him during the day.  Tonight I decided to try lap burping for the first time.
Here we go!
He is such good sports!  He just lets me put him in what ever position
Making sure he is conformable
Patting on his back helping him burp.  After about 6 minutes, it worked:-)!
Making sure we got all the burps out.  Baby is sleepy.  Time for baby, mommy, and Freddie the frog to go to sleep:-)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Linda came and stayed with us for a few days.  She really was great in helping us taking care of Ezra.  

We were sent home from the hospital A congratulations gift from the hospital
A bottle of Martinelli's, two cups, and a little silver baby spoon.  We open it and celebrated!
Our family at home
Feeding Time!  Freddie is there with him:-)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ezra's First Day Home

At home Ezra met his first Toy Freddie the Frog.  Freddie was one of the many stuffed animals used as decoration on tables at Zulita's baby shower at her school organized by Tina Kimes ( a mother of one of her students).
His name is really Feddie
Freddie at the couch waiting for Ezra
Freddie and Ezra!
Ezra is smaller that Feddie
Ezra's clothes fit him too big.  The clothe he is wearing makes him look bigger than what he really is next to Freddie.
It was hard for Ezra to sit there next to Freddie
Ezra kept loosing his balance and falling to the side
We had to keep sitting him back up
Mommy is glad Ezra is home
So sweet!
Ezra sleeping of the chair
He got hungry
Welcome Home Sweet Baby:-)!!!